A conversation with Miles Padgett
… [Read more]Peter Peters
Q-SORT to launch online Wikipedia Edit-a-thon Extravaganza
How to contribute to Wikipedia – Interdisciplinary Training Webinar.
Monday 30 March 2020 h.16:00 CET on Zoom and FB Live.
Register at: https://bit.ly/39gfdEG

At the moment, we are all stuck at home in our collective struggle against COVID-19. In order … [Read more]
CNR-NANO (Q-SORT Coordinator) and the Scuola Normale Superiore, by way of the NEST Laboratory, to donate their PPE to support the COVID-19 emergency
Protective equipment donation to support the COVID-19 emergency.

In a joint action, the CNR Nanoscience Institute (Q-SORT Coordinator) and the Scuola Normale Superiore, by way of the NEST Laboratory, have decided to … [Read more]
Q-SORT scientists set their sights on egg white lysozyme
A new paper written by Q-SORT scientists from Maastricht University has just been accepted for publication.

A new paper written by Q-SORT scientists from Maastricht University has just been accepted for publication in the … [Read more]
New Q-SORT Foundational Paper for Using Conformal Transformations in Electron Microscopy
Our work continues in the time of #COVID-19. We need science now more than ever. The results are in on the collaboration between Gianluca Ruffato from the University of Padova, and Vincenzo Grillo and Enzo Rotunno from CNR Modena and … [Read more]
Vincenzo Grillo

Short bio
Vincenzo Grillo is the Scientific Coordinator and Principal Investigator of Q-SORT. He graduated in physics from the University of Genova (110/110 cum laude). He received his PhD in electron microscopy at the University of Parma, while performing collaborative … [Read more]
Ebrahim Karimi

Short bio
Ebrahim Karimi received his diploma in Mathematics and Physics from Eghbal Lahori (Saghez-Iran) in 1997. He fell in love with physics and mathematics as a high school student while attending several national physics conferences. He received a BSc … [Read more]
Peter Tiemeijer
Short bio
Peter Tiemeijer received an M.Sc. degree in experimental physics and M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in theoretical physics from the University of Utrecht, The Netherlands. His Ph.D. work was on numerical analysis of the relativistic dynamics of quarks in … [Read more]
Webinar 8 – Interdisciplinary Training / Women in Science Lecture Series 1
Q-SORT Women in Science Lecture Series
Coherent Control of Single Electron Wave Packets with Light and Nanostructures
Nahid Talebi, Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research (Germany)
03 July 2019, h. 3:00 – 4:00 PM CET
Facebook Live: https://www.facebook.com/quantumsorter/
The eighth Q-SORT … [Read more]